Saturday, March 31, 2012

Five Simple Tips to Create a User-Friendly Class Registration Process

Today, most of the educational organizations are going for an online registration system. The system helps organizers easily create and publish registration forms, while allowing potential registrants to instantly access the forms, 24x7. However, most organizers fail to make their class registration forms user friendly, resulting in people wasting hours trying to figure out what they actually need to do in order to complete the sign up process.
When used properly, online registration can be an extremely powerful tool that makes signing up easy for class participants. I have tried to put together a list of 5 tips to help you generate user-friendly registration forms to give your students a truly memorable registration experience.
Make Registration Forms Easy to Access
Organizers must ensure the class registration forms are easily accessible. In case you have put the sign up link on your organization's website, make sure it can be opened instantly with just a click of the mouse. It will be really an annoying experience for people unable to open a form in spite of repeated attempt. Besides, if you are sending the registration website URL in printed form, make sure the address you have chosen is simple enough for the participants to easily enter it right.
Make the Registration Forms Easy to Use
A well-planned and visually appealing registration form encourages more people to come and enter their names for attending your classes. Reduce the number of sections on the form to a minimum. People often get bored filling up a lengthy form. Put only the most important sections/fields on the forms such as name, address, contact numbers, and email id to let people quickly fill up the form. Also, try to guide the participants during the filling up process by showing warnings in case individuals enter some information wrong.
Have Appropriate Payment Options
Try to offer as many payment options as possible to let registrants easily and quickly send you registration fees. In addition to allowing people pay you direct cash or through checks, you can also introduce some popular online payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, wire transfers, and so on to let learners send you money easily and at a faster pace.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Top Five Advantages of Online Learning

The concept of flexible learning gained momentum a few years back with the introduction of online learning or e-learning. Nowadays, e-learning modules are appropriately designed to deliver quality education through digital media, while offering the students the opportunity of studying at their convenience. Unlike traditional set-up, students no longer need to worry about attending classes on a fixed time. Here, in this article, we have shared a few benefits of learning online.
1. The major benefit of online learning is making education accessible to a broad range of students. It helps students to make the most of it in the available time frame and offers them the opportunity to choose from the course structures according to their needs.
2. Online learning or e-learning courses offer you the convenience of pursuing higher education and professional degrees, even when you are pursuing a full-time job. There is no specific time frame and students can access the course materials 24x7 and from any location.
3. For corporate training services, e-learning modules come as a boon. Online learning has made distance education widely popular. Thus, distance learning schedules are appropriately designed, so that it can effectively fit with work or family schedule.
4. E-learning helps students access the course modules as per their specific needs. Thus, students can get enough exposure in industry-specific learning and, at the same time, get practical hands-in experience in mastering the skills. For a successful e-learning module, the virtual platform should be easily accessible, functional, and easy to use. The key to a successful online training is that the education resources and course work are in tune with the professional schedule of the student. The process helps you achieve better engagement with the online education.
5. One of the major benefits of using an e-learning platform is that the components, such as project work and team exercises, are easily accessible. A range of online tools and applications can facilitate the way to deliver better impact on providing specific education to the students.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Top Five Leading Trends of Online Education in K-12 Schools

With the growing dependence on technology and web-based learning, K-12 schools are also adopting technological innovations in their knowledge delivery process. At present, K-12 schools are highly focused on creating ways to offer students effective learning and, that too, in the most cost-effective way.

The popularity of online learning has encouraged the development of a number of web-based learning processes. Blended models and mobile learning are gaining popularity on a rapid scale. Over the past few years, K12 schools in the district level are looking to incorporate technology and digital and open content to achieve the best results.. The objective of K-12 schools at present is to incorporate competency-based learning, so that large number students can achieve enhanced experience of learning.

Here, we have come up with the leading trends of online education in K-12 schools. Take a look here.

Emphasis on Blended Learning

Blended learning opportunities have gained tremendous growth potential in recent years. In fact, a lot of K12 schools at district levels have adopted blended learning in order to gain experience before investing on an expensive learning management system. There are various ways of incorporating blended method and it is evolving slowly with time. According to the experts, blended learning has brought value-oriented results in the Learning and Development industry.

Competency-based Learning Gaining Momentum

With the introduction of technology and e-learning modules, competency-based learning is gaining ground. Technological advancements and the incorporation of web-based applications enable students to receive individualized instruction and offer them the opportunity to learn at their convenience.

Increased Use of Mobile-based Learning

Nowadays, mobile-based learning has made classrooms virtual and has also extended its reach. According to a survey report, "Anecdotal evidence suggests that by the end of 2011, mobile learning could grow as quickly as other elements of online and blended learning". The extensive use of Netbooks, Smartphones, and other software -based devices is carrying mobile-based learning forward.

Extensive Use of Instructional Content

For an effective learning process, instructional content is extremely important. The traditional method of selecting curriculum through a textbook adoption process is no more on the scene. The convenience of portable learning encourages the growth and extensive use instructional content.

Increasing Importance of an LMS

The growth of online learning and training has received a new dimension with the introduction of Learning Management System. Through an effective learning management System, both instructors and students gain a convenient platform for an effective instruction. It helps organizers to analyze student and teacher performance, thus driving the growth and development of learning process and overall performance of the students.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Five Study Tips You Need To Succeed at College

Why do we need the tips to succeed College? Simple, it can motivate to push yourself forward and reach the goals you have. Setting up list can keep you on track and will remind you that you must be focused and move forward. For you to get going, aside from the tips, you must as well get enough rest and sleep, and avoid hazardous drugs for in the long run, it will deteriorate your brain. Too much stimulant like coffee would be bad to the health, causing you not to sleep normally and end up unfocused with the activity and you get palpitations as well.

Now here are the study tips you may follow to succeed college:

1. Study regularly
This technique will help you get updated and refreshes the lessons you have just taken and was discussed by the professor or instructor. As you study regularly it helps your brain functions well and remembers things more easy and you don't have to squeeze your memory, for you are refreshing your brain keeping it acquainted with the lessons or certain activity.

2. Daytime study
When you study, do not prefer studying during night time for you will just end up sleeping. During day time while the brain is active, you will learn a lot more and absorb more ideas and knowledge. A lot of students cram and study during the night for the exam by the next day, they may get to answer the question but they are not learning and understanding, the purpose of that study is just for the sake knowing what to answer and not knowing what is the fact.

3. Group study/ Self study
You can choose either of two, which you are comfortable in doing. Group study; make sure you are choosing the right group to study with so that you can get concepts and facts and not just end up chatting. Self-study is better off when you would like to choose a silent and peaceful environment and therefore you can study the way you want it to be.

4. Encouragements
This is the best way to keep yourself going forward, you are motivated to study and reach your objectives that is why you set inspirations, it can be your family, friends, special someone anything or something that you just get inspired with.

5. Be aggressive
Do this in a positive way one must be competitive to get to the top, this would be fun for you to be able to encounter new things, new people and learn from them.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Five Strategies to Maintaining School-Life Balance For Network Security Majors

For students interested in careers in network security, going back to school to earn a degree is often necessary. But balancing school, work and family can leave you searching for more hours in the day. Balancing it all can be difficult for some students, especially at first. While you can't actually tack on more hours to the day, here are some strategies you can use to better manage your time when it comes to school:

1. Create a prioritized list - A list gives you a clear road map for your week and ensures you will turn everything in on time. Start each week by looking at all the assigned work for your classes. Write down everything you need to complete and when it is due. Then, prioritize the list based on those due dates and how long it will take.

2. Know when it's good enough - Being on time is often better than being perfect. Don't expend endless energy on making an assignment perfect. Some students spend hours revising and revising and often end up sacrificing time that could be more effectively spent on other projects. Before making a minor change, ask yourself will this significantly improve my work? If the answer is no, then it's time to turn in the assignment.

3. Plan around hectic weeks - Some weeks seem like the perfect storm of activities, your family is coming in to town, you have a major project due at work, and you're packing for your upcoming vacation. Plus, you have homework. If you know you are going to have a lot going on in a short period of time, carve out time early in the week to complete class assignments. Even if you just get most of it done, you'll breathe easier later in the week.

4. Break big projects into small chunks - While going through network security training, you'll sometimes have big projects that span a few weeks or whole semesters that can seem unmanageable. But, putting them off until the last minute can be a recipe for disaster. Instead break the project up into more digestible pieces and set up mini due dates for each chunk. If you do this, you'll avoid a last minute scramble to pull it all together and, likely, turn in a more quality assignment.

5. Lean on your support network - Your friends, family, instructors, and others in your inner circle are your biggest cheerleaders. They want to see you reach your goal of a career in network security, so ask them for help when you need it. Don't stare at your computer screen if you are struggling with a project, email your instructor for help. Or, ask your friends and family for small favors that will help you get your work done. Everyone has needed help in his or her life before and will be happy to pitch in.

There can be a lot of challenges when you're figuring out how to start a career in network security. But, keeping a balance between school, work, and family responsibilities is key. By planning ahead, staying organized and having a strong support team you can stay focused and ease some of your stress.