Today, most of the educational organizations are going for an online registration system. The system helps organizers easily create and publish registration forms, while allowing potential registrants to instantly access the forms, 24x7. However, most organizers fail to make their class registration forms user friendly, resulting in people wasting hours trying to figure out what they actually need to do in order to complete the sign up process.
When used properly, online registration can be an extremely powerful tool that makes signing up easy for class participants. I have tried to put together a list of 5 tips to help you generate user-friendly registration forms to give your students a truly memorable registration experience.
Make Registration Forms Easy to Access
Organizers must ensure the class registration forms are easily accessible. In case you have put the sign up link on your organization's website, make sure it can be opened instantly with just a click of the mouse. It will be really an annoying experience for people unable to open a form in spite of repeated attempt. Besides, if you are sending the registration website URL in printed form, make sure the address you have chosen is simple enough for the participants to easily enter it right.
Make the Registration Forms Easy to Use
A well-planned and visually appealing registration form encourages more people to come and enter their names for attending your classes. Reduce the number of sections on the form to a minimum. People often get bored filling up a lengthy form. Put only the most important sections/fields on the forms such as name, address, contact numbers, and email id to let people quickly fill up the form. Also, try to guide the participants during the filling up process by showing warnings in case individuals enter some information wrong.
Have Appropriate Payment Options
Try to offer as many payment options as possible to let registrants easily and quickly send you registration fees. In addition to allowing people pay you direct cash or through checks, you can also introduce some popular online payment methods such as credit cards, PayPal, wire transfers, and so on to let learners send you money easily and at a faster pace.
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